Welcome to The Boldly Courageous Podcast My name is Melissa Martin, I’m a business & embodiment coach and creator of the Boldly Courageous community. Just like you I’ve walked through some dark seasons in life. I know what it’s like to start over and write a new story. This podcast is here to activate you. To show you what’s possible when you embody your power and walk with courage & fear in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. Each week you will hear authentic conversations with thought leaders & visionaries as we dive deep into topics such as spirituality, business, money, relationships, sexuality and more so that you can fully embody your Boldly Courageous self. Are you ready? Let’s drop in.

Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Today you will hear part 2 of my conversation with Dr. Jon. In this episode, we dive into all this grief and suffering. You will learn tools on how to navigate it, support someone that may be experiencing it and so much more. Dr. Jon shares his perspective and take on suffering and gives us some great tips and tools to incorporate into our life.
Meet Dr. Jon:
Jon Connelly first founded the Institute for Survivors of Sexual Violence, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization engaged in research and development of cutting-edge treatment for survivors of trauma.
His early career experiences as a child protective service worker and clinical supervisor in a program for traumatized teens helped shape the creation of Rapid Resolution Therapy®. RRT offers innovative training programs designed for people looking to relieve suffering. Doctors, dentists, mental health professionals, teachers, coaches, nutritionists, lawyers, caregivers, nurses, business owners, and others have become Rapid Resolution Therapy members with the intention to learn and apply the fundamentals of Rapid Resolution Therapy to themselves and their field. Jon Connelly is licensed as a clinical social worker and holds a doctorate in Clinical Pastoral Counseling.
Jon is the author of Life Changing Conversations with Rapid Resolution Therapy which demonstrates the power of a single session to resolve ongoing trauma and turmoil and dramatically improve well-being. His next book, Grief is Not Sacred, is about to be released.
Connect with Rapid Resolution Therapy:
@rapidresolutiontherapy | LinkedIn | Website | Facebook
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Instagram: @themelissamartin
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Friday Jan 13, 2023
This Misbelief Kept Me Stuck In Disappointment
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
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Today on the Boldly Courageous Podcast we are chatting all about misbelieves. In this episode, I share with you my journey into not only just being but what happened when I started to embody. Listen in on this episode and allow it to be a reminder to go deeper into the knowing, being, and embodiment.
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The Boldly Courageous Podcast is managed by Podcast & Co.
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Instagram: @themelissamartin
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Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Today I am joined by the legend himself, Dr. Jon Connelly. In this episode, you will hear Dr. Jon's take on resolving trauma and how rapid resolution therapy is used. In this episode, we dive into the reprogramming of the mind around fear, rejection, and abandonment. This conversation was good we needed two parts! Come back next week for the rest of this conversation with Dr. Jon and I.
Meet Dr. Jon:
Jon Connelly first founded the Institute for Survivors of Sexual Violence, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization engaged in research and development of cutting-edge treatment for survivors of trauma.
His early career experiences as a child protective service worker and clinical supervisor in a program for traumatized teens helped shape the creation of Rapid Resolution Therapy®. RRT offers innovative training programs designed for people looking to relieve suffering. Doctors, dentists, mental health professionals, teachers, coaches, nutritionists, lawyers, caregivers, nurses, business owners, and others have become Rapid Resolution Therapy members with the intention to learn and apply the fundamentals of Rapid Resolution Therapy to themselves and their field. Jon Connelly is licensed as a clinical social worker and holds a doctorate in Clinical Pastoral Counseling.
Jon is the author of Life Changing Conversations with Rapid Resolution Therapy which demonstrates the power of a single session to resolve ongoing trauma and turmoil and dramatically improve well-being. His next book, Grief is Not Sacred, is about to be released.
Connect with Rapid Resolution Therapy:
@rapidresolutiontherapy | LinkedIn | Website | Facebook
Let's Connect:
Instagram: @themelissamartin
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Friday Jan 06, 2023
This Is What’s So Confusing About Confidence
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
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Today on the Boldly Courageous Podcast we are chatting all about confidence. In this episode, you will hear why it's so easy for us to lose confidence in ourselves, how to tap back into it, and the power of being happy with ourselves. I share my journey through confidencem what led me to superficial confidence and how I navigated out of it.
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use code: BOLDLYCOURAGEOUS for $100 off
The Boldly Courageous Podcast is managed by Podcast & Co.
Let's Connect:
Instagram: @themelissamartin
Boldly Courageous Community: Join Now

Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Into The Yuniverse with Stephen Woolfolk
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Today I am joined by the inspiring, Stephen Woolfolk. In this episode, you will hear this beautiful conversation between Stephen and I all about fear, potential, success, taking risks, going all in, and so much more. Stephen shares his journey, what lead him to create The Yuniverse, and his mission in this world.
Meet Stephen:
Stephen Woolfolk is the founder and CEO of The Yuniverse which is a holistic wellness company that helps people live more present, balanced lives.
Stephen believes that we all have our own unique way of approaching the world, and it’s important for us to honor our personal truth in order to be happy and fulfilled. That’s why he created The Yuniverse—to help people find what works best for them so they can live their happiest lives possible.
He is an empathetic person who loves helping others see themselves in a new light. His personality is outgoing and active, but also relaxed and calm. His values are community over competition, sustainability over consumption, and living in alignment with nature.
Connect with The Yuniverse:
@intotheyuniverse | Website
Let's Connect:
Instagram: @themelissamartin
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Friday Dec 30, 2022
The Fraud Frequency & Why I Don’t Talk About Money Anymore
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
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Today on the Boldly Courageous Podcast we are getting real, raw, and extremely deep in this conversation all about money. In this episode, you will hear what fraud frequency is and the reason I don't talk about money anymore. I share with you my money journey and what got me to where I am today. Let this episode be a reminder that it is never too late to shift when things no longer feel right.
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use code: BOLDLYCOURAGEOUS for $100 off
The Boldly Courageous Podcast is managed by Podcast & Co.
Let's Connect:
Instagram: @themelissamartin
Boldly Courageous Community: Join Now

Monday Dec 26, 2022
Monday Dec 26, 2022
Today I am joined by the fabulous and inspiring Sophia Vo. In this episode, you will hear Sophia's journey from emigrating to the US and getting pregnant at 19 to building her companies and creating the life she dreamed of. Sophia shares her story of overcoming trauma and finding her strength.
Meet Sophia:
Growing through trauma, emigrating to the US and knowing true strength with Sophia Vo
Sophia is the founder of CuteSass and Ao Dai by CuteSass. She moved from Vietnam to the US alone when she was fifteen. Since then, Sophia has worked through high school, college, and university while also going through the motions of finding herself and her dreams.
She founded her company in her room in 2019, desiring to make women find their goddess selves. And through that journey, Sophia overcame her emotional trauma and found what set her soul on fire. Within three years, she has grown to become a successful entrepreneur, reaching financial freedom, and continued her dream of making other women feel more beautiful.
Ao Dai by CuteSass is her new venture with a mission to bring Vietnamese culture to America by making traditional Vietnamese dresses available to all ages and tastes.
Connect with Sophia:
@cutesassofficial | @aodaibycutesass | website | Cute Sass Website | Facebook
Let's Connect:
Instagram: @themelissamartin
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Friday Dec 23, 2022
You Never Forget The First Time : The Power of Falling
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
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Today on the Boldly Courageous Podcast we are chatting all about failure. In this episode, I share with you the first time I fell off my horse and how it relates to business. You will learn the reality of what makes you great at your passion, the power in falling, and so much more.
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use code: BOLDLYCOURAGEOUS for $100 off
The Boldly Courageous Podcast is managed by Podcast & Co.
Let's Connect:
Instagram: @themelissamartin
Boldly Courageous Community: Join Now

Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Today I am joined by the amazing Nicole Cramer. In this episode, you will learn all about the art of selling. Nicole shares with us what makes a good sales person, tips around what makes a good sales call, how to close, should you do enrollment calls and so much more. We also dive into her journey, what led her to become a digital nomad and why she's niching down.
Meet Nicole:
Nicole Cramer is an entrepreneurial-based Sales Coach, Keynote Speaker, Corporate Sales Trainer, and an Exactly What to Say™ Certified Guide. Nicole’s coaching and training company was founded with the intention to help entrepreneurs remove the challenges and fears around selling and learn how to use conversations to make more sales, get more clients, and have a bigger impact in the world. She left a very successful 7 year corporate sales career in order to pursue this passion full time. Nicole helps entrepreneurs, sales professionals and corporations to master their authentic sales process, achieve success and maximize their sales wins by bringing the art of communication to a whole new level.
First Call Script Free Download : Here
Connect with Nicole:
@thenicolecramer | website | Facebook
Let's Connect:
Instagram: @themelissamartin
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Friday Dec 16, 2022
This Is Where I Got It All Wrong
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Friday Dec 16, 2022
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Today on the Boldly Courageous Podcast we are having a conversation all about patterns. In this episode, you will hear why we tend to get into the same situations with friends and partners even when we try to change everything externally. I share with you what I realized in my own relationships and what I did to finally break the patterns.
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use code: BOLDLYCOURAGEOUS for $100 off
The Boldly Courageous Podcast is managed by Podcast & Co.
Let's Connect:
Instagram: @themelissamartin
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